I blow soap bubbles on March 11.
because I wish their soul soar high up in the sky like soap bubbles.
This is just an event walking to home, but
the good idea also may appear like soap bubbles
if we walk.
[Walk to home blowing soap bubbles on March 11]
Date / March 11th 2016
Venue / All over the world
Walk to home with blowing soap bubbles, when you go home on March 11th.
And post your picture / movie of bubbles you blow on your Twitter (#shabondama2016).
Miki will walk to home from Roppngi to Ueno, at 20:00 on March 11th.
You will be able to check my action on my Twitter(@maaya3trees).
Special web site>> http://ladymadestar.raindrop.jp/shabondama/
I called for people on the internet: On March 11th, walk to home with blowing soap bubbles, when you go home. And post your picture or movie of bubbles that you blew at your Twitter (#shabondama2016). Miki will walk to home from her workplace at 20:00 on March 11th. You will be able to check her action at her Twitter account(@maaya3trees).
This project had been started in 2012 on March 11th, and it is waked every year. In 2011 on March 11th, we experienced big earthquake in Japan and there was caused a big sad accident of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. At the time, the traffic was paralyzed all the day. People were confused because they couldn't go home by the way as usual, but they never gave up. They walked home with helping each other. It was really sad and terrible to experience 3.11, but at the same time I felt the warmth of other people and realized how I am being supported by them. These made me think that Japan might not be so bad after all. Just praying for the victims might not be enough when there are still many problems to be solved. It's a little shame that it was not until the disaster that we realized the warmth of other people but I think we should remember we helped each other.
In memories of the victims of the tragedy, to let their soul soar high up in the sky, we would like to sing "Shabon-dama (Soap bubbles) " and walk home like people who had difficulty returning home. This song is a famous Japanese children's song, but a writer of this song secretly put his wish as the requiem for his little daughter who died. This project is just only walking and blowing soap bubbles at Tokyo. There may be many ways to solve issues. From each standpoint, each may have their own assertion. Sometimes we may argue intensely each other, though their heart share the same feeling.
This is not only for soothing our sorrows, but to not forget the existence of ourselves who became stronger than before through this experience.
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